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Monday, March 16, 2015

Creating a Moisture and Protein Balance Routine

Moisture and protein are like the yin and yang when it comes to hair.

On one hand, you want your hair to be soft and well moisturized so that it maintains its luster and shine.

Yet, protein is necessary to keep your hair strong and flexible.

The two components are needed to keep your hair beautiful and manageable.

How does one go about maintaining the proper balance?

  It comes down to testing! Yes, in order to find out what your hair needs, you are going to have to figure out by running a couple of tests.


Test 1: How does your hair feel when wet?

You want to get your hair wet so that you can check to see what it’s lacking. Does it feel limp or mushy? This may mean that it has too much moisture. If this is the case, you want to do a protein treatment. A simple protein treatment containing coconut milk will do the trick.

Test 2: Does your hair easily break off with the slightest bit of manipulation?

 You can put this test to work on dry hair. You want to do a light a finger combing with one section of your hair. When you do this, are you noticing a lot of strands in your hand? This might be a clear indication that you need to a moisturizing treatment. Another way to tell if your hair needs moisture is to see how it feels to touch. Does it feel coarse and dry? A simple olive oil or argan oil treatment will do the trick.

Test 3: Now it’s time to test the elasticity of your hair.

 You can easily do this by taking a strand of your hair and tugging on each end. If it continues to stretch out, it needs more protein. If it easily breaks, you need more moisture. If the strands bounce back with no problem, you have mastered the right balance.

 It is best to run tests every few months to make sure you are on the right track. We'd love to hear how you are keeping your hair well balanced. Drop a few lines below.

Versatile Vixen Weave

Although the majority of us women lead very busy lifestyles, most of us are not willing to sacrifice the look of a great hairstyle to save on time.

Luckily, there are so many styles to choose from that allow you to maintain your schedule and your beautiful hairstyle all at the same time.

Styles like, braids wigs, and weaves, make protective styles fun and appropriate for the busy woman of today.

We have seen extension techniques such as: fusion and clip-in extensions that can be applied to any area of the head. Now we are being introduced to the vixen weave.

Now, for some that have been in the industry for quite some time are more than familiar with this versatile weaving technique, but for those who only visit their hair stylist a few times a year, this weaving style is revolutionary.

Vixen Weave 

You can finally wear a weave in a variety of ways without worry about your tracks being exposed. This allows you to wear your hair up while running errands or running on the treadmill. You can style your vixen weave, any way you see fit.

There are many techniques out there to help you to achieve a beautiful vixen weave. Check with your local stylist for more information.

Vixen Weaves in Austin Texas

If you are in the Austin, Texas area, please give us a call to schedule your vixen weave consultation. (512) 686-8011